Stress free & Mindful, 06.- 10.01.2025

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
Institute of Lifelong Learning, Faculty of Pharmacy, Masaryk University, Brno
Institution website:…
Czech Republic
Monday, 6 January, 2025 to Friday, 10 January, 2025
Registration fee:
500 €
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Monday, 23 December, 2024
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
Mgr. Filip Kňažek
Lecturer & Organiser, Institute of Lifelong Learning

Stress is a disease of civilization in today's society. It can appear in almost all areas of our lives and, although it can sometimes have a motivating and positive effect, in most cases it is rather harmful and can cause various diseases or syndromes.

So how do you deal with stress? How to keep sane mental health? How to "properly" turn off and regenerate the body and mind? How to prevent diseases and syndromes? How can mindfulness help us live a more fulfilling life?

If you want to know the answers and you care about your mental health, this course is for you!

The main purpose of this training course is to provide you with the know-how needed to handle stress, stay grounded and in the present moment. The training will focus on different situations that provoke stress reactions - these will be thoroughly explained also from the scientific point of view. We will go through various techniques of stress handling and different mindfulness methods will be introduced and exercised. Participants will be actively involved in all the processes, interact and will be constantly challenged in the learning process in a safe environment.

Who can participate in this course?

The training course is designed for anyone interested in active work on oneself, with need/desire to take a break from "real" problems and to have a better life!

The program 

The program will include topics and activities like: 

  • forms of stress,
  • its effects and symptoms, 
  • working under stress, 
  • acute and chronic stress, 
  • Mindfulness and its principles, 
  • different meditation techniques, 
  • breathing excercises, 
  • stress and time management, 
  • past and future influences, 
  • thinking patterns, 
  • yoga and more

Dates and schedule: 06.-10.01.2025, Brno, Czech republic; 4-5 hours a day – 9 - 13:30; including coffee break

Detailed daily schedule is here or on the right side of the website!

The course will be organised only if at least 4 participants will apply!

Participation fee: 450 € (early bird); 500€ standart price 


  • training course program, 
  • all materials in and after the sessions, 
  • guidance and willingness to help and enjoy your stay in Brno,
  • welcome package, 
  • online informational guide with everything you need to know ahead your arrival, 
  • organisational and lecturer fee
  • “ticket” to beautiful Christmas markets and city of Brno

Grants such as Erasmus+ Staff mobility training or VET or other may be used to cover the fee. For different grant possibilities click here.

What is not included in the fee:

  • Travel costs
  • Accommodation in Brno - we can provide you with tips
  • Meals – there are plenty of possibilities to eat for very reasonable prices (e.g. lunch menu = soup + main dish, is around 7-8 € in most of the restaurants)
  • Insurance – we recommend you to have also other insurance than just European health insurance card (EHIC) 
  • Vaccination


  1. Click here:
  2. Choose Incoming staff -Apply >>
  3. Create new application with these information: Program: Erasmus +; Type of cooperation: Training mobility; Academic year: 2024/2025; Faculty at Masaryk University: Faculty of Pharmacy; Unit at Masaryk University: Faculty of Pharmacy 
  4. In Step 1 fill in all compulsory fields (marked with a red asterisk) 
  5. In section Stay data fill in your sending university/institution, if you does not have any (you come personally for yourself), just write there not applicable (the same to the home faculty) - 

    Stay from/to: 2025-01-06; 2025-01-10;

    Form of mobility: Physical mobility;

    Stay type: Staff training;

    Number of teaching/training hours: 22

  6. Save your application and you are (almost) done! !If you received Erasmus+ funding please proceed to Step 2, where you will attach the Mobility agreement! (next steps are only for participants who had received Eramsus+ funding for Staff training and have mobility agreements)
  7. In Step 2 please fill in and attach signed mobility agreement in format. The pre-filled mobility agreement for this course may be found HERE. If your institution needs to have it signed first from our side (Masaryk university), please attached signed agreement at least by you. We will contact you on email with fully signed agreement.
  8. Step 3 > Save and close

If you need invitation letter or you didn´t find what you were looking for and you want more information please check webpage or write to or

mobility-agreement-stress_01_2025_brno.docx (45.67 KB)Download