International Partners' Week. Enhancing cooperation between European engineering faculties

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
Teruel Engineering Faculty, University of Zaragoza, Teruel, Spain
Institution website:
Monday, 28 October, 2024 to Tuesday, 29 October, 2024
Registration fee:
Fee reductions/waivers:
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Monday, 14 October, 2024
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
Raul Igual (vice-dean of students and academic affairs of the Teruel Engineering Faculty EUPT - University of Zaragoza, Teruel, Spain).
Phone: +34 978618261

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS’ WEEK - Teruel Engineering Faculty (EUPT), University of Zaragoza, Teruel (Spain)

Web site of the Faculty:

Web site of the University

Goal of the event: to provide a framework for enhancing international cooperation between European engineering faculties. The key areas of discussion are academic mobility, curricula internationalisation and research cooperation projects. Moreover, the event will provide opportunities for networking and social activities.

The Teruel Engineering Faculty (EUPT) is especially focused on informatics, computer science, electronics, robotics, automation and control engineering, biomedical engineering, cybersecurity, etc.


Monday, October 28th

9:00 – 9:30 Registration and collection of welcome pack.

9:30 –10:00 Welcome / opening ceremony.

10:00 – 11:00 Presentation of the EUPT and its study programmes. Guided tour around the EUPT and the Campus.

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break.

11:30 – 12:30. Working session: presentation of each participant and initial proposals for joint actions.

12:30 – 13:30 Working session: academic mobility challenges. How to recruit and integrate international students?


15:00 – 16:00 Meeting with Erasmus office. Meeting with our local students.

16:30 – 19:00 Visit to the Teruel airport.

19:00 – Guided tour around Teruel’s historical city centre: UNESCO World Heritage-listed Mudéjar art and Modernist Teruel.



Tuesday, October 29th

09:00 – 10:30 Working session: curricula internationalisation. Discussing opportunities for collaborative teaching-related projects.

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break.

12:00 – 13:00 Working session: cooperation opportunities in research joint projects


14:30 – 16:00 Slot devoted to our visitors’ promotional presentation of their respective institutions (aimed at students and lecturers).

16:00 – 16:30 Looking forward. Certificates ceremony and closure of the event.

Evening: visit to the center of diffusion of astronomy Galactica and guided visit to the Javalambre Astronomical Observatory.

21:00 Social dinner.


Practical information: 

Please fill in the registration form (deadline for registration: October 14th, 2024):

Travel and accomodation: accommodation and travel expenses in general can be funded via Erasmus+ grants from your home institution (short-term teaching stay modality or equivalent). Please contact with your International office or ERASMUS+ Coordinator. There is no participation fee. Lunches, coffee breaks, dinners and social events are all free for participants. All participants will be awarded with Certificates of Attendance.

Special accomodation: On the Teruel Campus there is a modern residence with comfortable apartments suitable for temporary stays at low prices

Do you have any questions? Please contact us at:  – organizational support

international_partners_week._teruel_engineering_faculty_eupt._university_of_zaragoza._programme.pdf (324.14 KB)Download