The 4th International Staff Training Week

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
WSG University in Bydgoszcz_PLBYDGOSZ06
Institution website:
Monday, 3 October, 2022 to Friday, 7 October, 2022
Registration fee:
50 EUR
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Monday, 29 August, 2022
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
International Affairs Office
2 Garbary Street
Bydgoszcz, 85-229, Poland; +48 52 567 00 78

Warm greetings from Bydgoszcz,

Firstly, we kindly request you to answer the following questions:

  • Would you like to gain international experience?
  • Would you like to discuss your involvement in academic life?
  • Are you looking for new contacts?
  • Would you be interested in taking part in engaging workshops?

If so, International Affairs Office invites you to attend the 4th International Staff Training Week, held as part of the Erasmus+ Program at WSG University in Bydgoszcz, Poland, from October 3 to October 7, 2022.

The preliminary schedule for the International Staff Training Week is enclosed.

The mandatory participation fee is 50 EUR.

The Erasmus+ mobility program is responsible for helping participants with their travel and lodging expenditures.

You can submit an application to take part in the International Staff Training Week by filling out the form.

The deadline for proposals is August 29, 2022.

Acceptance notification is August 31, 2022.

Please do your best to spread the information to your departments and any academic staff members who might be interested in taking part.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Bydgoszcz!!

Please follow the link to learn more information about the city!

Here are additional notes for filling in the Mobility Agreement:

  • Erasmus+ Code is PLBYDGOSZ06
  • The official name of our University is WSG University (the previous one appeared as The University of Economy in Bydgoszcz)


international_staff_training_week_2022_at_wsg_university_in_bydgoszcz.pdf (163.73 KB)Download