6th International Staff Training Week

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Institution website:
Monday, 7 July, 2014 to Friday, 11 July, 2014
Registration fee:
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Wednesday, 30 April, 2014
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
Julia Fitzthum / Julia-Sophie Rothmann - International Office JLU Giessen

Justus Liebig University Giessen invites its partners from International Offices to JLU’s annual International Staff Training Week. This week is organized and hosted by JLU’s International Office and is embedded in the ERASMUS Staff Exchange Programme.

The meetings allow participants to exchange ideas about fostering student and staff mobility, especially within the new Erasmus+ programme. Furthermore, German language courses every morning are on the programme. There will also be an intercultural approach to mobility including lots of room to disucss structures and working practices, to explore and talk about special topics of interest within the field of internationalisation, and much more. Enough time is allowed for individual meetings with colleagues of JLU’s departments or other university facilities.

This year we focus on the internationalisation of German universities and the systemic approach of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) on that topic. JLU Giessen took par in this audit and we would like to share our experience.

On cultural terms, we will explore typical German cuisine and beer-brewing. A highlight will be the visit to our university castle where there will be the reception for visiting researchers, hosted by our president.

Giessen, as the town with the highest student density in Germany, is a typical student city and represents Germany quite well. So, the stay will give everyone a very good insight into what life and work in Giessen is like - enjoy! 

Accommodation: We reserved some rooms in one of our hotels, but participants should make their reservations themselves.

Applications have to be made online via the website indicated above

programme_staff_training_weekjlu_2014.pdf (650.08 KB)Download