6th International Teaching and Research Week - Universidade Lusófona- Lisboa/School of Organisational and Economic Sciences

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
Lusófona University - Lisbon
Institution website:
Monday, 5 May, 2025 to Friday, 9 May, 2025
Registration fee:
Not applicable
Deadline for applying:
Friday, 28 February, 2025
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:

The School of Organisational and Economic Sciences (ECEO) of Lusófona University – Lisbon/Portugal, is pleased to announce its 6th  International Teaching and Research Week, which will be held from 05 to 09 May 2025. Face-to-face or on-line modes are available.

It will be an opportunity for teachers to give visiting lectures, workshops, or classes at our university under the Erasmus+ Teaching, Research & Staff Mobility Programme, where applicable.

Academics are welcome to propose lectures in a variety of subjects (please check the application form for a complete list of available subjects). The lectures are targeted at Bachelor and Master’s degree students. The teaching language is either English or Portuguese. We will analyse the content of each proposal and confirm if we can find a receiving lecturer on our side.

There is no participation fee. However, participants should cover the cost of travel, accommodation, and meals. Where applicable, the funding might be available from the Erasmus grant distributed by the home university. We invite candidates to check the availability of such funding with their home institution. Please note that the Erasmus+ programme requires visiting lecturers from partner universities to give at least 8 hours of lectures or classes within the regular courses offered by the host university, some of which might be given under the form of research seminars or workshops.


registration_form_6th_international_teaching_and_research_week_2025.pdf (297.72 KB)Download
preliminary_programme_2025.pdf (180.17 KB)Download