Empathetic and Constructive Communication - Christmas Market Special

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
European Institute for Academic and Professional Development
Institution website:
Wednesday, 10 December, 2025 to Friday, 12 December, 2025
Registration fee:
345 € (+VAT)
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Monday, 10 November, 2025
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
Dr. Jan Schmidt
+49 173 665 9426

Empathetic and Constructive Communication

It's so simple and yet so difficult. We communicate constantly: conversations, meetings, emails, phone calls. Communication is so self-evident that we often don't think about how multi-layered and complex communication processes are and how often communication fails. That's why it's good to take a closer look at it. 

The "Empathetic and Constructive Communication" course starts with the basics: What is communication? What happens in the fundamental process of speaking and listening? Based on these fundamental considerations, the first tools will be presented and tested. In this style, the workshop develops an increasingly comprehensive understanding of communication and introduces various tools. Always combined with exercises and reflections. 

After the workshop, you will be confident and self-assured even in difficult dialogue situations. They are not the only ones to benefit from this. Successful communication also has an impact on the entire working environment and has a lasting effect on the working atmosphere. 

The "Christmas Market Special" of this course will take place at a time when four (or more) typical German Christmas markets are open in the city of Münster. 

Objectives of the mobility

Participants will ...

  • Gain insight in basic communication processes and identify pitfalls.
  • Learn basic communication tools like active listening and apply them in various contexts.
  • Learn how communication can de-escalte or avoid conflicts .
  • Gain insight in the concept of non-violent/empathetic communication and explore how it influences everyday communication. 
  • Learn how to use Microsoft Copilot for MS Office

Added Value of the Mobility

  • Participants will be able to avoid difficult communication situation. Communication will be more constructive and effective. 
  • Participants will share their knowledge about communication  in their home institution. Thus they will contribute to modernisation. 
  • Meeting with colleagues from all over Europe the participants will further develop their international network.  


The workshop will be highly interactive and give opportunities to exchange and contribute continuously. Methods used are: 

  • Presentation by trainer.
  • Working in pairs and small groups. 
  • Presentations by participants & Feedack
  • Online ressources: using generative AI as sparring partner. 
  • Working on use cases and examples provided by participants.

Expected Outcome and Impact

After the workshop the participants will be able to: 

  • Better understand communication processes and related interpersonal dynamics. 
  • Communicate in an empathetic and constructive manner .
  • Deal with challenging questions and situations.
  • Improve the atmosphere in (challenging) team situations.

Target Group

Employees in university administration and in research.

How to register?

Register via our website or here.

empathetic_and_constructive_communication_12-25_final.pdf (4.62 MB)Download