Generative AI - More Efficiency in Everyday Office Life

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
European Institute for Academic and Professional Development
Institution website:
Monday, 24 February, 2025 to Friday, 28 February, 2025
Registration fee:
575 € (+VAT)
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Monday, 12 February, 2024
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
Dr. Jan Schmidt
+49 173 665 94 26

Generative AI - More efficiency in everyday office life

Everyone is talking about AI! But when you listen to them, it seems like it’s a foreign language? Still you know: there's a lot of potential in this AI thing... If you take a closer look, you'll find out two things: (1) It’s not that complicated: just two dozen new words to learn and you'll feel much more comfortable and confident. (2) Yes, there is a lot of potential in AI, especially generative AI for your everyday office work. It's never been easier to brainstorm, find information, create text, images or video. And there is much more to discover. - The workshop is designed for people who have little or no knowledge of generative AI, but want to explore and use its potential. We will do this by going through different tools and exploring how they work and where they can be used in everyday office life. Tools explored:

() LLMs: ChatGPT, Perplexity and Claude3 

() Creating images (text-to -image): Dall-E, Midjourney and FreePik

() Creating videos for tutorials or promotion purpose (text-to-video): and Renderforest.

() Integrated AI to create presentations, flyer oder videos: Canva.

Participants need to sign up for a ChatGPT or Perplexity Pro-Account (20 $ / one month).


Whom does it address?

Employees in university administration and researchers interested in AI-applications.


Overall objectives of the mobility:

Participants will ...

() Learn what generative AI is and which terms are important for using the tools.

() Learn basic prompt engineering: How to "talk to AI"?

() Gain insight into 

    (a) text to text AI to create and revise text (Chat GPT/Perplexity/Claude3). 

    (b) text to image AI to create images and brochures (Midjourney, DALL-E, Canva).

    (c) text to video AI to create videos and short clips (, renderforest).

() Identify examples and fields to apply AI. 

() Learn how to build their own GPT (It's much easier than it sounds!)


Expected outcome

The aim of the workshop is to introduce the participants to AI and it's applications in everyday office life. Therefore after the workshop they will be able to: 

() Participate in basic discussions on AI using the most frequent terms. 

() Generate prompts in different text to-contexts.

() Use AI in daily work. 

() Able to follow the further development of AI and familiarise themselves independently with new versions or new tools.


Where to register: 

Register via our homepage or here.

ai_in_everyday_office_life_02-25_final.pdf (2.32 MB)Download