Good Scientific Practice

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
European Institute for Academic and Professional Development
Institution website:
Monday, 10 February, 2025 to Wednesday, 12 February, 2025
Registration fee:
295 € (+VAT)
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Tuesday, 14 January, 2025
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
Dr. Jan Schmidt
+49 173 665 94 26

Good scientific practice

Working in science is very satisfying. You work on a subject you are passionate about. You have a lot of freedom to organise your working day and the research process. But with freedom comes responsibility - including the responsibility to ensure that your process and results are based on the rules of Good Scientific Practice (GSP). 

The Good Scientific Practice course introduces the most important aspects of GSP: EU standards (code of conduct), confirmation bias, critical thinking, hierarchy and communication in science, values and dealing with publication pressure. - Topics that are not directly related to your research topic, but have an impact on the quality of the output and on collaboration with other researchers. After the course, you will continue your research with the same passion, but now with the confidence that you know what it takes to do "good" research. An important aspect is the sharing of different ways of establishing GSP in the participants' home country - and learning from each other. 

Whom does it address?

Doctoral Candidates, Postdocsand everybody who wants to improve the quality of their research and learn more about GSP.

Overall Objectices of the Course:

  • Participants will get introduced to e.g. European Union Good Scientific Practice standards and apply them to examples.
  • Furthermore the participants get insight in dynamics related to hierarchies and identify challenges in communivation in hierarchical and scientific setting.
  • Additionally they get insight into the effects values have in and on scientific work and how they impact conflicts e.g. concerning publications.
  • Participants will get insights in different ways to deal with GSP in other countries. 

Expected Outcome:

After the course you will ...

  • be able to align your research with GSP codes of  conduct. 
  • be able to identify (confirmation) biases and thus improve the quality of your research. 
  • be more confident in dealing with challenging  questions related to your work. 
  • profit from your expanded network - enriched by the other participants you met at EIAPD.


How to register? 

Register via our website or here



Our last Good Scientific Practice-Course has been rated 5 of 5 stars!  (9 Participants, 5 evaluations, all of them: 5 stars!)

gsp_02-25_final.pdf (2.63 MB)Download