Harnessing the power of AI and new technologies to supercharge your language teaching

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
The Language Centre of University College Cork, Ireland
Institution website:
Monday, 29 July, 2024 to Friday, 9 August, 2024
Registration fee:
Fee reductions/waivers:
Eligible for Erasmus+ funding. Please contact the Erasmus+ or International Coordinator in your institution for information about grant application.
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Friday, 12 July, 2024
Accommodation provided
Contact person details:
Please contact tandd@ucc.ie for more details.

Please note if you need accommodation, the sooner your application comes in, the easier it is for us to process your accommodation. Also, note the accommodation is not included in the course fee.


This two-week teacher development course focusses on the latest innovations and trends in technology with a particular focus on how generative AI can supercharge teaching and learning in your particular context.

Over the two weeks of the course, you will work towards creating an understanding of how technology can empower both you as a teacher and also your learners.

We will discover how many aspects of learning and teaching are changing and how viewing and understanding our roles as teachers are also in the process of change.

This is a solution-based approach to the new emerging landscape of how we learn and teach. Participants will work on projects particular to their teaching context to allow them bring practical applications and teaching ideas on their return to

their classrooms. Each day we will set a topic for reflection and discussion related to what it means to be an early 21st century language teacher.

You will leave the course enthusiastic about your role in how to maximise your learners' opportunities to progress and meet learning goals on an accelerated path harnessing the power of new technologies.

This course will take a deep dive into  technological innovations and, in particular, how to use emerging AI to maximise learning potential for our learners.

We will cover:

  • How latest tech innovations can empower you as a teacher and equally empower your learners;
  • How AI can provide personalised and accelerated language learning;
  • How we can create language learning materials for all levels, needs and interests using generative AI;
  • How language skills and systems can be developed and enhanced using the latest technology;
  • How to reconsider what assessment is.




harnessing_the_power_of_ai_and_new_technologies_to_supercharge_your_language_teaching.pdf (1.94 MB)Download