Leading International Teams

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
European Institute for Academic and Professional Development
Institution website:
Monday, 16 June, 2025 to Friday, 20 June, 2025
Registration fee:
625 € (+VAT)
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Monday, 11 August, 2025
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
Dr. Jan Schmidt
+49 173 665 94 26

Leading International Teams

In the academic context, teams are often international, presenting unique challenges for leaders. Leadership is already complex, and diverse cultural backgrounds add further intricacies. This workshop explores key leadership concepts and their relevance in multicultural teams. We will address leadership styles and how cultural diversity demands greater adaptability from leaders. Established models such as Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, Hall’s Context Model, and the GLOBE study will be used to understand these challenges. Whenever possible, we will work on real cases provided by the participants.

Objectives of the course

  • Grasp the basic concepts of leadership and how they are shaped by cultural backgrounds.
  • Understand the sociological role theory as a framework to explore the interplay between personal traits and leadership functions.
  • Explore various leadership styles and how they are influenced by cultural diversity.
  • Develop effective communication and motivation strategies for international teams.
  • Learn conflict management techniques in diverse teams through practical case studies.

Expected Outcome

  • Participants will gain increased confidence in their leadership abilities.
  • They will be better equipped to manage team dynamics in culturally diverse settings.
  • Participants will develop enhanced skills for motivating and communicating with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
  • They will acquire effective strategies for handling and resolving conflicts in international teams.
  • Participants will leave with practical tools and frameworks to apply immediately in their leadership roles.

Target Group

Leaders in academic institutions, university administration, and the scientific community.

How to register

Register via our website or here.

leading_international_teams_06-25_final.pdf (2.7 MB)Download