Mental Health, Stress- and Burnout Management Techniques for Colleagues in Higher Education

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
The Dharma Gate Buddhist College (DGBC)
Institution website:
Monday, 25 November, 2024 to Friday, 29 November, 2024
Registration fee:
350 euros incl.VAT
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Wednesday, 23 October, 2024
Accommodation not provided
Contact person details:
Ms. Melinda MOLNÁR
Erasmus coordinator

Online application form:

In Buddhist teaching the so called Three Gates are very important to establish harmony. These are the body, speech or breathing and mind. To train all of them gives the possibility to be centred, learning to communicate with all the circumstantial effects and releasing stress. 

Learning to train the Three Gates, training the body, training the breath and training the mind strengthens self-confidence and a way to study ourselves by way of developing mindfulness.

Key topics:

- The importance of the Three Gates in Buddhist teaching and in our daily life for gaining health, emotional and mental balance;

- Body movement practice and introduction to the importance of finding balance between movement and non-movement, relaxation;

- Basic meditation practices, mindfulness of the body;

- The function of breath on the body, emotional and mental levels;

- The different approaches to define mind. Understanding the functions of mind;

- The relations between body, breath and mind. 


The registration fee includes the following: a welcome package, training program, coffee break for five days, a city tour in Budapest, and networking program at the campus with colleagues of the host institution.

The registration fee does not include travel costs, accommodation, insurance, breakfasts and dinners, and other general and personal expenses.

To apply, please fill in the online application form below

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