Project Based Learning in the Digital Age

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
ATC Language Schools Dublin & Bray
Institution website:…
Monday, 13 January, 2025 to Friday, 17 January, 2025
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Friday, 20 December, 2024
Accommodation provided
Contact person details:

Location: ATC Dublin

Maximum group size: 15

Minimum English Level: B2

Applicable for Erasmus+ KA1


Dublin Course Dates 2025 :

Monday 13th to Friday 17th January 2025


*Courses can also be organised year-round for closed groups in our Dublin City Centre or Bray school.


Course Description: 

Project-based teaching promotes learning across a broad spectrum of knowledge, skills and competences and provides an engaging context for language learning specifically. Students engaged in project work are given the opportunity to develop their 21st skills of inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, self-direction, flexibility and leadership. They learn important communications skills of negotiation, mediation, information exchange, and goal-oriented cooperation. This course helps teachers support their students in developing these skills and competences, through English.


On the course participants explore the theory and methodology behind PBL, to develop confidence in creating and implementing authentic, motivating projects with real-world contexts relevant to their students’ interests and identities. 



Participants learn how to successfully organize and manage a project, from the initial idea to the final project output.  Throughout the course, they look at ways of using technology as a tool in project-based learning, fostering digital literacy skills in their students. Participants are supported to explore and use a variety of digital tools for collaborative project work. The course also focusses on ways to monitor and feedback on language use, and work on language development during a project cycle.


Participants are assigned project work each day. The aim of the project work is to encourage teachers to explore the digital tools looked at in the lessons. Participants present a project outline on their final day, receiving feedback from the course tutors.


Course Modules:


The Case for PBL 

Planning a Project (From Idea to Output)

Acquiring Content (Supporting Learners’ Research)

Supporting Speaking and Writing

Language Instruction in PBL

Creating Content (Digital Tools for Project Product Creation)

Organizing Content (Compiling Digital Portfolios of Work)

Reflection, Feedback & Learner Autonomy in PBL

Assessment in PBL


ATC’s 1 week Project Based Learning in the Digital Age course can be combined with another Teacher Training and Development course or a General English course, to form a 2-week programme, contact us for details.

For teachers applying through the Erasmus Plus scheme the OID for ATC Language Schools is E10133233.


For more course choices please see the link – ATC Teacher Training & Development.

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