Refresher Course for English Language Teachers

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
Swan Training Institute
Institution website:
Monday, 4 March, 2024 to Friday, 29 November, 2024
Registration fee:
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Wednesday, 1 November, 2023
Accommodation provided
Contact person details:
Kristina Vaughan
Academic Manager
Swan Training Institute

Approaches include observations, materials workshops, peer-to-peer planning, and journal work. There is an addiction ‘blended-learning’ element to the course, which students can also benefit from after the course is complete. The sessions are conducted face-to-face and will have a practical focus, in that, teachers will be expected to reflect on their experiences. Teachers will then use their experiences and those of their peers to develop their skills in a group framework. Teachers return to their classrooms equipped with new skills and material to use with their students.Research in ELT can be fast moving; our course presents innovations in methodology and advances in practical uses of ICT in the classroom. Our trainers present the course content so that teachers can immediately see the benefits in their own classroom, and they discuss practical applications for teachers’ own contexts. Thye trainers work with teachers’ existing knowledge, consolidate such knowledge and update teachers’ skills. This programme consists of a 2 week course of methodology & strategy update for teachers of English. The aim ·of the course week course is to develop and broaden participants’ understanding of motivation, learner autonomy and effective second language acquisition. The course also helps to develop new pedagogical methods or curricula.

All participants should be ready and willing to share their teaching experiences with others. They also need a basic knowledge of computers. Some background information on the traditions and cultural aspects of Ireland would be part of the course. Participants are required to do some pre-course reading and tasks in preparation for the course. Participants are also required to do a pre-course reflection on their experience of teaching so far. As the underlying ethos of our approach is ‘student centred’ and so we suggest participants read around ‘learner autonomy’, ‘motivation’, and the lexical approach. Suggested authors: Michael Lewis, David Little, Ema Ushioda and Zoltan Dornyei.

By the end of the course participants will have broadened their understanding of ‘student centred’ approaches, developed their skills as teachers with regard to speaking skills, understanding the learner and understanding teacher roles, learnt from others’ experiences through sharing professional experiences, explored some of the innovations in language teaching, such as using ICT to support student learning, developed communication skills, explored some of the different aspects of Irish culture.

Methological approaches include observations, materials workshops, peer-to-peer planning, and journal work. There is an addictional ‘blended-learning’ element to the course, which students can also benefit from after the course is complete. The sessions are conducted face-to-face and will have a practical focus, in that, teachers will be expected to reflect on their experiences. Teachers will then use their experiences and those of their peers to develop their skills in a group framework. Teachers return to their classrooms equipped with new skills and material to use with their students.

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