RISK ASSESSMENT and SECURITY MANAGEMENT in Higher International Education

Hosting Higher Education Institution:
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Institution website:
Monday, 20 May, 2019 to Friday, 24 May, 2019
Maximum number of participants:
Deadline for applying:
Saturday, 9 March, 2019
Accommodation not provided

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences is happy to announce that its staff week


"Risk Assessment and Security Management in HIE Mobility" 


will take place from 20. May 2019 until 24. May 2019.

We will be looking at risks and the mitigation thereof as well as safety and security in the context of global student and staff mobility.

We invite all personnel working in areas related to this field (first and foremost International Offices, but also other fields, i.e.QA &QM, occupational and workplace safety etc.)

In the course of this week, we will (a) be looking at established concepts of risk assessment and security management and identify best-practice examples, (b) engage in a full-day crisis response exercise within the context of HIE mobility and (c) evaluate the exercise and explore options of applying our results at our home institutions. 

This Staff Week will be offered in collaboration with the German Corporation for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) who are the public German development agency and have a dedicated branch for staff and travel security and who will share their insights with us.

The learning outcomes of this week are to familiarize ourselves with existing concepts and methods of risk assessment, mitigation and response, experience a crisis situation first-hand and evaluate and reflect upon our responses and to learn about methods to apply the knowledge gained at our home institutions.

Participants are asked to very actively involve themselves in the staff wek and are welcome to showcase best-practice examples from their home institutions. Therefore, a solid working command of English is required!

The Staff Week will be free of charge; we do expect attendees to pay for accomodation and travel expenses themselves, however. Erasmus + STT funds can be used to subsidize participation in our Staff Week.

Registration will close on 09. March 2019. We would appreciate if you will try to restrict the number of registrations to 1-2 persons per university.

In case of any questions regarding the International Staff Week 2019, please do not hesitate to contact us at staffweek@io.fra-uas.de.


We look forward to welcoming you or your colleagues in May!



hotel-recommendations2019.pdf (108.19 KB)Download
programm_staffweek2019_a4_arial_2.pdf (1.67 MB)Download